Social Media

Social Media Marketing is important for the online presence of your business. Good social marketing companies can drastically increase your ROI. We will use our already viral pages to speed up the process and get your content out there.

Social Marketing

How we use Social Media: Since Pinterest tends to lock in on the visual side of things (Reddit is largely text based), it is the perfect place to seed your graphic. Pinterest also provides a link at the top of every pin.

If you do this right people will have to click to your website in order to see the full graphic. Once they are on your site, it is best to design the landing page around conversions and sharing.

Strategic Consulting

Every niche is different. Things that go viral in one area are not necessarily viral in another. For this reason, one-on-one strategic consulting is necessary to ensure success. Social marketing companies usually employ an array of experts, each trained in the social media aspect of a few different industries.

iBoom has social media experts that specialize in the viral promotion of lead generation websites, blogs, e-commerce sites, local businesses, etc. Every business is different and when it comes to social media marketing, there is no cookie cutter method that works every time. I have dealt with Technology, Travel, Education, Personal Hygiene, Clothing, Photography, you name it.

Competitor Research

Chances are, your competitors are already doing it. We will look at those competitors see exactly what they are doing or aren’t doing to better prepare your own social media campaign. We will track them on Facebook, Twitter etc.

Timing, Planning & Carefully Posting

History and data tell us Facebook posts at 8PM EST on Monday have the best chance of going viral. Also, posting to Reddit at 6am in the morning is optimal.

The main reason why many most social marketing companies are unable to produce results through social media is from their lack of planning and data.

To get started with your page, consider finding memes or pictures that you think your audience would like. Remember about the timing of your post. Many times a client will say, “Hey, Justin, this is a great graphic I made. I am going to post it.”

I say WOAH, WOAH, bud, you’re at work. So are most of our clients let’s wait until after. Post on Facebook after work ends, and a larger fraction of your fans will see it. Many people,including myself, make a great post and can’t wait to get it out there. Problem is it’s 1am. Just wait!

Online Reputation Management

People trust brands that have a good online reputation. Often times, potential customers will visit a brands Google+ page, Facebook page or online review sites to read what customers are saying. Online reputation management focuses on a 24/7 analysis of your comments, tweets and messages:

  • Making sure all negative and false reviews about your company are suppressed with positive content
  • Ensuring that all your website appears first for your branded keywords
  • Preventing competitors from writing false information and pursuing the takedown of any fake material in a timely manner
  • Writing press releases to help fill the search results with controllable content

Social Presence Development

Although most people think Twitter and Facebook seem to carry the vast majority of the social network power, you may be surprised to learn that for many clients Tumblr, Google+ Instagram and Pinterest can bring in 10 fold the traffic of Twitter or Fb.

List of Social Networks We Use:

  • Twitter – Google uses data from Tweet Shares. Make sure to establish your twitter following.
  • YouTube – Not only does Google own YouTube (which means they use it in rankings) but it is also a great way to get traffic and visits.
  • Pinterest – Pinterest links directly to your website in every pin, and it is ideal for info-graphic submission and sharing.
  • Tumblr – Providing that you don’t mind writing unique content first, Tumblr can be quite powerful as links are contextual.
  • Instagram – Instagram is no longer optional, it is owned by Facebook and its social media value is immense.
  • – This is one of the first places we go to share infographics, its a solid back-link and can help viral seed visual graphics.
  • Reddit – They are picky about spam, make sure to pick a good subreddit and have a powerful user promote your content.
  • Facebook – Facebook shares directly correlate to increased conversions. Its the biggest and the best in terms of social value.
  • Google+ – This is google’s own social network. They directly use the “plus” data in rankings.
  • RebelMouse – RebelMouse is the equivalent of an international news website bringing the opinions, perspectives and updates of the entire world into one place. RebelMouse does all of this, but in a way that allows you to personally participate and relate to the specific content. RebelMouse’s homepage allows you log in / sign up with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Google+. Don’t worry, that’s not the first four reasons to use RebelMouse. With four portals into the massively growing network, you can easily experience the promise they make from the very beginning.
  • Blogger – Blogger is free with better web exposure, complete brand control and design, support for data outside linear date posts (static pages, label categories), external gadgets and jQuery support
  • Custom top level domain support
  • Paid advertising
  • Anonymous commenting

Content with a longer lifespan (Google+ content has a lifespan) and is indexed by non-Google search engines I’m using Google+ for my company, but also me personally.

We use Google Local Page, while I have a separate account with my name on it. The company page is then linked to our Blogger website, taking advantage of the Google+ functional link in Blogger.

This has a few advantages: combined with the Google+ Page gadget in Blogger it adds rel=publisher data, adds a social follow functionality (similar to Facebook’s Like Box), prompts for auto-sharing when you submit your post, and in Google+ allows you to interact with people as your company and not as an individual.

I share and re-share posts that my company has made on the blog, but it’s also a way for me to join conversations, build up my personal Authority, and engage people that might read, share, and +1 my blog’s posts.

I’m able to take advantage of Authority, AuthorRank, PublisherRank, and PageRank, as well as make a search engine friendly site that brings in visitors from far outside my circles, and brings them into my Circles.

Flickr is good for hosting images. It’s also an awesome resource for finding CC images you can use on your site.

If your Flickr account is popular, you might get quite a few people clicking the links back to your site. You should create some pins on Pinterest for surfing.

Flickr is a very popular site which can drive people to your site and also helps for Image Optimization and Social Signals to increase traffic.

Social Media SEO

Many people focus on building links to increase their rankings, forgetting about the impact of Social Media SEO. Search Engine Optimization is a natural process that has fundamental roots in Social Media.

As Google+ is greatly affecting SEO rankings, a powerful online social presence is important for any quality business. New social media sites such as Pinterest offer a new take on the world of social media. Also the older ones Tumblr is paramount for SEO

On these social outlets, you share the product that you offer. Making sure that you are on top of and utilizing the latest in social media tools is the key to reaching your targeted audience.